What are Certified Athletic Trainers?
Certified athletic trainers (ATs) are highly qualified healthcare professionals who provide a variety of treatments to athletes. Working alongside physicians to provide these services, they are extensively trained in all aspects of the health of an athlete.
Their education takes place both in the classroom and on the field, learning anatomy, physiology, physical examination, and medical treatment, amongst many other topics. In addition to the medical care that they provide, ATs are a vital part of the sports community at all levels, functioning as an advocate and trainer to the athletes, an informant to the coaches, and a direct link to the physicians who provide care with them.
What Services do Certified Athletic Trainers Provide?
Certified Athletic Training Services include the entire spectrum of the health of an athlete, from the preseason preparation to the offseason plan. One of the most important services they provide is in the area of sports injury prevention, of which ATs are the frontline and one of the foremost authorities on.
There is much research and emphasis in the field of sports currently being placed on proper training and technique to prevent injuries, and ATs are vital to this effort. Other important services provided by ATs include physical examination and diagnosis, often performed on the field or sideline, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries, and the crucial responsibility of providing immediate emergency medical care when appropriate.
Having a highly trained, competent AT provides athletes with the care they need at these crucial times. As mentioned above, ATs also function as a communication link between the athlete, coaching staff, medical team, and parents. Many times the parents of young athletes develop a close relationship and deep trust for the AT providing care for their child.
Who Needs These Services?
Certified athletic training services can be beneficial to athletes of any age. However, they are most often employed and utilized in the team setting, meaning that most of their care is provided to young athletes, from elementary school up to professionals.
Athletes of any sport, including individual or team, benefit from having the privilege of training alongside an AT in the form of injury prevention, better conditioning, faster diagnosis and treatment, and access to immediate emergent medical care.
What Makes Athletic Trainers "Certified?"
In addition to their education and hands-on experience, certified athletic trainers have met all of the requirements for certification specified by the National Athletic Trainers' Association Board of Certification (NATABOC).
In order to receive this certification, they are required to show proficiency in a variety of areas, including all of the skills and abilities necessary to be fully prepared for any situation they may encounter.
We have certified training services available at all of our locations, call us today to schedule an appointment!
Sports Therapy Locations and Services
Luckily, our offices have a wide range of certified specialists, so it is easy for you to find the best therapist for your particular needs. To learn more about our highly-qualified staff of sports medicine and physical therapists, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today!
We have four locations you can choose from: